Happy New Year to all of you at TCO!
I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday break with family, friends and loved ones. I trust the young ones had a great time away from school and the parents had a nice break from the hectic schedule that often dictates your daily life.
After 3 months of working almost every single day in Odense, it was nice to get home to warm, sunny Florida and spend time with my family and friends. I have recharged my batteries, paddleboarding, kiteboarding and “celebrating”, spending most of my days in or around the salt water. Now it’s time for get back to some real work!
I have spent weeks now reviewing, planning, organizing and stream-lining our present player groupings, programming and coach allocation. I am almost ready to release the new 2015 Indoor Training Schedule, player groupings and coach allocation. OUR NEW TRAINING PROGRAM AND SCHEDULE WILL BEGIN ON JANUARY 12TH.
Highlights of the new program will be our Tennis Specific Strength, Conditioning and Athletic Skills Development Program. We hope to have more equipment in place, in a dedicated tennis specific fitness area in the back hallway between the two tennis halls. New player groupings, along with a new approach to training for the different levels of players will hopefully ensure that our players are offered variety in their technical and physical training as well as allowing them to compete more. Something I am quite excited about is the addition of some very capable, interesting and energetic young coaches. Georg Barbunopolis (Germany), Daniela Debranova (Slovakia), Mirsolav Atanasov (Bulgaria), and David Gabba (Romania), will be providing key hours for us in both our Mini Tennis and Player Development Programming. With the addition of Karolina and myself, we truly have the most diverse international coaching team in the immediate area. We will be looking to add a key, international lead coach to our staff to begin 2015.
We will kick off our new programming with a MANDATORY PARENT MEETING which will be announced in the next few days. In the meantime, we will be operating on a MODIFIED TRAINING SCHEDULE AND PROGRAM to begin the week of January 5th. We will need this week to set up, modify and implement our new schedule and program.
I look forward to getting off to a strong, productive, fun and challenging start to the 2015 season!
Bill Eastburn
Head Coach