Den længe ventede TCO Challenge CUP 2015 er lige om hjørnet. Der er tale om en “Round-Robin” turnering for Herre 1. og 2. hold.

OBS: Alle kampe skal afvikles inden 10 maj.

Introduction: This round-robin, pool play event consisting of four (4) pools of three (3) players will determine the Men’s 1st and 2nd Division Teams, as well as INITIAL positioning for each team subject to final vote and final approval by the Head Coach.

Match Play and Reporting of Scores: All matches must be completed by May 10th in order to submit Team Rosters by May 10th/11th. There will be courts on Saturday May 2nd from 11:00 – 2:00 where TCO would like to have as many matches as possible scheduled as it’s a Membership Drive Day. There will be match courts available each evening from 19:00, using training courts if necessary. Men’s Team Training on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday will be used for the matches to be played. ALL SCORES MUST BE IMMEDIATELY REPORTED TO THE HEAD COACH UPON COMPLETION. PLEASE ALSO INFORM THE HEAD COACH OF MATCH- ES YOU SCHEDULE.

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